Cart options

cart option software -

Do you want to improve the shopping experience on your portal? The Cart Options plugin lets you manage discounts and price increases to be applied to the total cart amount.

Does your user want to receive spare parts urgently? No problem, you can add a cost option that can be selected at checkout. If on the contrary slow shipping is ok, you can create a percentage or fixed discount option.

With the Cart Options plugin, you can also easily add the translations of the options in the languages of your portal.

How to add options to your cart

Adding options to your cart has never been easier. Add the description, enter the value and decide whether it should be calculated as a percentage or fixed amount. Then add the translations for your users connecting from abroad.


A convenient administration panel will help you sort the options as well as modify or delete them.

Don't miss the opportunity to further develop your spare parts portal on Interactive SPares with the Cart Options plugin.

Cart options is available in the Gold plan. Feel free to contact us for more information.

Do you want to improve the shopping experience on your portal? The Cart Options plugin lets you manage discounts and price increases to be applied to the total cart amount.

Does your user want to receive spare parts urgently? No problem, you can add a cost option that can be selected at checkout. If on the contrary slow shipping is ok, you can create a percentage or fixed discount option.

With the Cart Options plugin, you can also easily add the translations of the options in the languages of your portal.